Recently, the "Subject III" dance is popular on the Internet. The dance steps are silky, hand-cranked and lively, and many people upload their own follow-up videos. In this regard, Dr. Luoyang reminded: "Subject III" dance requires high strength of lower limbs, and it is best to do flexibility and stability training before trying.

  The dance of "subject three" became popular, and some people jumped in Luoyang.

  The full name of "subject three" dance is "subject three in Guangxi", which originated from the teasing of netizens. Guangxi people have to go through three "exams" in their lives, that is, singing folk songs in subject one, singing rice noodles in subject two and dancing in subject three. This "Subject III" dance, which is popular on the Internet, comes from a wedding scene in Guangxi. The performers make flowers by hand, twist their hips, bend their knees and shake their feet. The lively background music can drive the atmosphere. After a hot pot restaurant waiter regards it as a performance, this dance quickly becomes popular.

  The reporter contacted the staff of Luoyang Store, a hot pot brand, and learned that at present, there are two branches that can provide "Subject III" dance performances, but customers need to take the initiative to make requests. The performance project has been carried out for more than a week, and some young employees like dancing very much, which is also very popular with customers.

  Many netizens said that the dance was "foot-wasting and leg-wasting", and some people uploaded photos of their sprained feet to remind everyone to be cautious. So, what is the difficulty of this seemingly relaxed and silky dance step? What should I pay attention to when dancing this dance?

  The dance of "Subject III" is difficult, especially to test the coordination of lower limb joints.

  "This kind of dance requires high strength of lower limbs, especially for lumbar spine, hip joint, knee joint and ankle joint." Li Tongrui, the head of the rehabilitation department of acupuncture and physiotherapy in the First People’s Hospital of the city, said after watching the dance video of "Subject III".

  "Do try carefully." Qin Liaoyang, deputy director of the Department of Orthopaedics, said after watching the dance video, "Although young people have flexible joints, it doesn’t mean that they won’t be injured. Especially in this dance, the ankle joint movement is very similar to the high-risk movement varus that causes ankle sprain."

  "Ankle sprain is commonly known as sprained ankle. When the ankle suddenly moves to one side and the angle formed by the sole and calf exceeds its normal range of movement, it will cause tearing of the soft tissue around the joint." Qin Liaoyang further introduced, "To dance this dance, the ankle joint needs to be turned inside and out quickly, which seems to be a state of semi-paralysis. If the flexibility of the knee joint and ankle joint is not reached or the muscle strength is not well controlled, it is easy to cause ankle paralysis."

  "These movements also test the coordination of lower limb joints." Li Tongrui said that even if young people jump, the range of adduction and abduction of the knee joint should be controlled, because once the center of gravity is unstable, it is easy to fall and damage the cartilage of the knee joint or ankle joint and the lateral collateral ligament.

  The doctor advised not to blindly try the "subject three" dance.

  Among the young people interviewed randomly by reporters, there are many people who are eager to try this dance and want to jump out of the silky dance. Qin Liaoyang suggested that it is best to make relevant assessments before jumping, such as whether the hip joint, knee joint and ankle joint have been injured. Under the premise of no pain, appropriate flexibility and stability training should be carried out to provide better protection for the joints. Before exercise, you must fully warm up, mobilize your body functions, prevent sports injuries, and do appropriate stretching after exercise to avoid muscle soreness.

  "People over the age of 30 are not recommended to try this dance." Li Tongrui said that after the age of 30, human muscle strength is weakened and joint flexibility is reduced. Non-professionals are not advised to do difficult dance moves.

  Experts remind that once you sprain your ankle while dancing, you should stop immediately. According to the latest guidelines for the treatment of ankle sprain, you should raise the affected limb, avoid using anti-inflammatory drugs, compress the affected part to reduce local edema, and do as little exercise as possible for a week or two. If the swelling is severe or the pain is unbearable, you should see a doctor in time. (Luo Bao Rong Media luoyang net reporter Yan Wei correspondent Xu Jianjun Shen Yuwen)