Phoenix. com Auto Interview "The logic behind the growth rate of Starway is also summarized internally, not because of the launch of a brand-new marketing strategy, but because the product matrix layout is relatively perfect."

On August 25th, on the first day of the opening of Chengdu Auto Show, Xiang Zhanyu, deputy general manager of EXEED Xingtu Marketing Center, told Phoenix Auto.

Xiang Zhanyu: The logical key of satellite growth lies in product matrix.

Only this year, up to now, Starway has launched a brand-new Eta Ursae Majoris, a brand-new moon-landing and a brand-new Lingyun, which have performed well in market segments. At the Chengdu Auto Show, in addition to the four models on sale, Starway also brought two new products in the Star Era series-Star Era ES and Star Era ET, and released the Eta Ursae Majoris Flying Fish Edition. Such an intensive product offensive is worthy of being the first year of the Starway 2.0 era.

According to reports, in the fourth quarter of Xingyuan ES, it is very likely to be listed abroad.

Under the strong product offensive, the sales volume of Xingtu brand was 53,700 vehicles from January to July, with a year-on-year growth rate of over 133%. It has achieved a month-on-month growth for seven consecutive months, and it broke through 10,000 vehicles in July this year, reaching 11,462 vehicles, an increase of 133% year-on-year, breaking the new record since the brand was established.

Not only did the sales volume increase against the trend, according to Xiang Zhanyu, in July, the average sales price of Xingtu exceeded 179,000, close to 180,000, which was higher than many joint venture brands.

With the blessing of Star Era brand, the group’s goal for Star Way has also risen. On August 17th, at the press conference that iFLYTEK Spark Cognitive Model will be the first to take the Star Age ES, Yin Tongyue, Chairman of Chery, said that the annual sales of Star Way brand will reach at least 500,000 vehicles next year.

With such a high goal, how can Starway accumulate such a large increment? Product lineup, product strength, channels and new technologies are important points of strength.

Take the Eta Ursae Majoris Flying Fish Edition listed at the Chengdu Auto Show as an example, the only one in 200,000 can be equipped with CDC.

"Since Eta Ursae Majoris went public in February, users have been most concerned about the flying fish chassis, which has generated a strong reputation. Many customers suggest upgrading the entire chassis so that users can feel the product strength of 400,000. "

Behind this is the accurate insight of Star Way marketing team into user portraits and user needs.

According to official statistics, 66% of Star Way users in Eta Ursae Majoris have received higher education, 36% are car owners in first-tier cities, 77% are people with an annual income of 100,000 to 300,000 yuan, and 9% of customers are car owners of luxury brands such as BBA.

"Among the users we use, users who purchase flying fish chassis account for 67%."

It is understood that the Eta Ursae Majoris Flying Fish version has achieved breakthroughs in two fields: First, the configuration of the flying fish extrasensory chassis has been explored from the four-wheel drive to the two-wheel drive version, becoming the only model in 200,000 that can be equipped with CDC electromagnetic suspension system; Second, a new power combination of 2.0T+ Aisin 8AT has been added to realize super power output, shift smoothness and fuel economy.

It is reported that the reason why the extrasensory chassis is named "flying fish" is that when the flying fish jumps into the air from the water, the number of flapping wings per minute is 1047, which is equivalent to the number of scans per minute of the flying fish chassis.

According to the release, Eta Ursae Majoris Feiyu Edition has launched four configuration versions: Premium Flying Fish Edition, Premium Flying Fish Edition Four-wheel Drive, Premium Flying Fish Edition Four-wheel Drive and Premium Flying Fish Edition Four-wheel Drive. The official guide price is 167,800-206,800 yuan.

Xiang Zhanyu: The logical key of satellite growth lies in product matrix.

This year, Starway will also launch Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM and Xingjiyuan ES models. In the longer term, Xingtu has also made a perfect product layout for different market segments, and the product planning is named "445".

The first 4 represents four fuel vehicles, namely Zhuifeng, Lingyun, Eta Ursae Majoris and Lanyue. The second 4 represents the new hybrid power for four fuel vehicles, and the fifth represents five electric vehicles (pure electric+extended range), including the ES and ET of the Star Age series, followed by the big 7-seat MPV, large SUV and hunting SUV.

Star Age will cover B to C classes, cars, SUVs, MPVs and other body forms, providing two technical routes of pure electricity and extended range. In the future, the product pricing will cover the price range of 200,000-500,000.

Among them, Eta Ursae Majoris C-DM will be the first third-generation hybrid technology vehicle listed on Xingtu, with a comprehensive cruising range of over 1,300 kilometers.

Xiang Zhanyu: The logical key of satellite growth lies in product matrix.

The Star Era ES based on E0X global ultra-comfortable high-performance electric platform will be the first model in the Star Era series. Star Road has defined "four world-class" for this car: world-class large space, world-class ultra-comfort, world-class low energy consumption and world-class wisdom.

Just on August 17th, Chery announced that the iFLYTEK Spark Cognitive Model "LION AI" will be the first to take the Star Age ES, with Tesla Model S as the benchmark model.

The vigorous promotion of channel network has also contributed. In July, the number of channels officially broke through 300, and this year’s network plan is to break through 500, of which 200 are Xingjiyuan electric networks. The service upgrade of the channel is also a key link. Since February, Starway has launched a lifetime warranty, including a quality lunch and a dual-network joint repair plan to provide convenience for consumers.

For the market judgment in the second half of the year, Xiang Zhanyu said that in the era of price-for-quantity exchange in the second half of the year, price wars could not be avoided.

"The annual task is about to hand in the report card, and now every OEM is under great pressure. For the marketing CEO, the most effective thing is to reduce the price and change the quantity. "

As early as the price reduction in Wuhan, Starway chose not to fight the price war. "At that time, we just listed in Eta Ursae Majoris, and we made a promise to our customers in mid-March that the price would not fluctuate within one year. How much to reduce the price and how much to pay has dispelled consumers’ concerns about buying a car. “

However, although the market share of fuel vehicles is getting lower and lower, accounting for 64% by the end of July, it still occupies the mainstream, so Chery has set a goal to be the first in the fuel vehicle market in China.